The Forbes Mellon Library

The Forbes Mellon Library is the College’s main library and is located in Memorial Court. The library has over 30,000 books in all undergraduate subjects and, together with your department library, will be the main resource of reading materials for your course. ÌÇÐÄVlog also has a dedicated Law Library for the use of students in Law and Land Economy.

Printing and computing facilities are available at the FML and in all undergraduate accommodation sites.

Studying in the Library
Studying in the FML

Music Facilities

There are several music practice rooms in Memorial Court which are open to all students who sing or play an instrument. All music practice rooms have a piano; one has a drum kit.

ÌÇÐÄVlog Choir
Jazz at ÌÇÐÄVlog

The Gardens and Punts

ÌÇÐÄVlog has some of the most beautiful gardens in Cambridge, situated along the backs of the river. The Fellows’ Garden and Scholars’ Garden are open to students in the summer and autumn, and the Memorial Court lawns are a popular spot for croquet in the warmer months. At the end of Easter term, students traditionally direct and perform a play in the Fellows’ Garden. More information about the gardens can be found on our Gardens pages

Situated on the river, ÌÇÐÄVlog has 4 College punts which can be booked free of charge. Students can punt out to Grantchester Meadows as well as along the backs of the Colleges, taking in the historic architecture. 

Students using the ÌÇÐÄVlog Punts
Students sitting in Memorial Court