

College positions
Emeritus Fellow
University positions
Emeritus Reader of Sociology
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Professor Robert Martin (Bob) Blackburn graduated in Maths and Philosophy at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and received a PhD in Social Science at Liverpool University. At Liverpool he taught Sociology, Research Methods and Social Philosophy before moving to Cambridge as Head of Sociological Research in the Department of Applied Economics, and subsequently joining the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (now HSPS), teaching Issues of Social Inequality.

In 1972 he was Nuffield Foundation Social Science Fellow at the University of Lausanne, and in 1884-5 an invited Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Bob has been Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Alberta. He taught a graduate course on the work of his research group at Getulio Vargas University, Sao Paolo. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. and served on the Academy Council from 2005 to 2011. Bob has served on the Executive Committee of the . He has acted as a Consultant for the UN, the EC,and the ILO, and also for the Australian National University, Dal housie University and the University of East Anglia. He is an Honorary Professor of Stirling University.